Welcome to Aquarium On The Web - the English page of the multilingual site of Aquarium!
The site is designed to introduce the world to the Aquarium and to bring information and joy to the Russian and non-Russian speaking fans.

Этот сайт, созданный ценителями творчества БГ и группы АКВАРИУМ, давно нуждался в реконструкции и сейчас перенесён на систему, позволяющую администрировать его многим редакторам и переводчикам, а также вносить всем желающим свою лепту в его оформление.

Для окончательной доработки новой версии нужны ещё веб-программисты, знающие друпал, или желающие и могущие в нём разобраться. Далее нужны дизайнеры, художники и просто люди, которые хотят поучаствовать в разнообразии внешнего вида страниц сайта, который пока (в стадии доработки) находится по адресу aquarium.surreallife.de

Если есть интерес и желание - пишите на info@surreallife.eu
Если же в ближайшую декаду не найдутся желающие, заинтересованные поддержать этот проект (aquarium-web.com) - значит нет в нём надобности и он будет закрыт.

Творчество - дело настроения, но программист нужен срочно - без него нового сайта не будет, хотя работы там на один день. Если вы сами не можете, но хотите помочь - спросите ваших друзей и знакомых - может быть среди них найдутся те, благодаря кому виртуальный мир АКВАРИУМа станет не только информативным, но и креативным центром разных людей, объединённых резонансом с этой группой.

В ответ на частый вопрос: нет, денег не будет - это чисто благотворительный проект, основанный на желании поделиться прекрасным с другими людьми. Если вы не согласны и у вас есть советы о том, что и почему нужно делать - не пишите. НУЖНЫ ТОЛЬКО ТЕ, КТО САМИ ХОТЯТ ТВОРИТЬ!

Спасибо :)

New Concerts:

03.12 - Moscow
04.12 - Moscow

08.12 - Genève, Victoria Hall

11.12 - Izhevsk
13.12 - Vjatka
15.12 - Perm
17.12 - Ekaterinburg
22.12 - St. Petersburg

News of Music Records:

Пушкинская 10

Our Life as Seen by the Trees

This is another one of our 80's "legacy" albums - all of the songs were written and recorded between 1987 and 1989 during various performances and studio sessions. Now, the album that was sculpted over 20 years ago is finally yours.

You can download this album here. Instead of using the usual "Pay What You Want" model, this time we are going to set a minimum necessary contribution. The reason why we are doing things a little differently this time, is our desire to support a good cause: 60% of the mandatory contributions will benefit the "Spravedlivaya Pomosh" ("Fair Aid") foundation of Elizaveta Glinka, a prominent, well trusted and loved advocate for humanitarian causes in Russia. The organization will use the funds to help the families suffering the aftermath of the massive forest fires, that have devastated the country.

The requirement will be active for 4 weeks.

Пушкинская 10 Day of Joy

Recorded live in Ekaterinbourg. Dec 14, 2009.

Pushkinskaya 10 Pushkinskaya 10 (2009)

This album is the collection before not published songs of different years.

Loshad belaya White Horse (2008)

This album was recorded in Sankt-Petersburg and London on «Livingston Studios» with many musicians, which plays on rare and exotic instruments.

"Charam Charam"


Careless Russian Rover

Careless Russian Rover (2006)

It is a carefree album, unpredictable, emphasized experimental, entirely eclectic. Time and again the genres and styles are not binding for the Aquarium. You will find there celtic melodies, electronic sound and surreal humour as well. Regarding sound - no rules followed, no traditions, courage and full freedom of expression.
"There is nothing to worry about and it is the reason for carelessness and naturalness. Everything in God's hands. We are less and less worried". B.G.

Zoom Zoom Zomm Love Songs (2006)

Zoom Zoom Zomm Compilation "Aquarium. Reggae" (2005)

"Voulez-vous coucher avec moi"


In September 2005, the video of the song Rastaman Words was shot and shall be simultaneously run on Ukrainian and Russian TV channels .

The site www.aquarium.ru contains, as demo version, a song " Head of Alfredo Garcia "

Summer Songs 2005:

"From Galway To Graceland" lyric and music by Richard Thompson.
"If You See Her Say Hello" lyric and music by Bob Dylan.
"Turquoise" lyric and music by Donovan.
"All I Have To Do Is Dream" lyric and music by Boudleaux Bryant/Felice Bryant.
"I'm In Love" lyric and music by Lennon/McCartney.
"Alexandra Leaving" lyric and music by Leonard Cohen.
"Jock O'Hazeldean" Scottish folk-song.
"Enchanted Gypsy" lyric and music by Donovan.
"Play With Fire" song by "Rolling Stones" (Nanker Phelge).
"Crawling Back To You" lyric and music by Tom Petty.
"Waltzing For Dreamers" lyric and music by Richard Thompson.
"Great Horse" lyric and music by Marc Bolan.
"First We Take Manhattan" lyric and music by Leonard Cohen.
"Monolith" lyric and music by Marc Bolan.

New Summer Album Coming Out!

Aquarium is currently finishing a compilation album expected to be released in July! The "Aquarium Reggae" collection will contain sixteen songs from different periods of Aquarium. "Rastaman's Words" will feature for the first time on CD "Rastaman's Words"!

On June 8, 2005, Aquarium and Jivan Gasparan played their first concert in Geneva Switzerland. The concert was a huge success. It is reported that Victoria Hall had never seen such crowd reaction.

This concert came on the heels of Vladislav Mitsovskij joining Aquarium as new group manager the first of June. Under new management, Aquarium is already beginning innovative new projects.

Also, this month, it is a pleasure to report that Andrei Surotdinov has resumed touring with Aquarium. after completing other projects that have kept him occupied the last few months.

Following a short rest on the shores of Lake Geneva, Aquarium resumed their rigorous "Zoom, Zoom, Zoom" tour schedule with back to back concerts in Moscow, Kiev, and Odessa. Then on to the final trip of the season through Siberia.

The Siberian concerts concluded with an amazing outdoor concert in Kemerovo. This gig marked another beginning, as the first outdoor concert in recent Aquarium 3.0 history.

The successful "Zoom, Zoom, Zoom" tour of 2005 culminates with two concerts in Moscow July 1 & 2 at A2. These concerts co-inside with the beginning of Tibetan Cultural Festival where Aquarium also particiapated.

Expect fewer concerts in the upcoming tour season. So plan early to get tickets when Aquarium is in your area.

In other projects, Boris is completing recording of the "Aeroship" radio programs for the summer and compiling music for some upcoming films.

Aquarium's concert in Geneva!!!

Aquarium will be playing only one concert in Europe on the "Zoom, Zoom, Zoom" tour before summer. This concert will be at Victoria Hall, in Geneva, Switzerland on June 8, 2005.

21.05.05 New radio program by Boris Grebenshikov "Airship" about his favorite music will come out every Sunday from 22nd of May at 2:10 P.M. Moscow time. You can listen to the streaming feed of "Russia’s Radio".

Recent News of BG’s Current Projects

Beginning Sunday, May 22, BG will host his own radio program on state owned Radio Russia - 13:10 on the dial. This will be a one-hour program featuring Boris’ favorite music. The program will start with music of the late 1960’s from the U.K.

This type of program is quite a novelty. Nothing like it has been done before in Russia. Nor am I aware of anything similar in the U.S. This program is a testament to BG’s popularity and clout in Russia. There are few VIPs that could accomplish something like this. Via satellite radio perhaps we all can tune in.

Boris has also been working with fellow Russian popular musicians and government officials to create a state-sanctioned venue to help young unknown Russian musicians get recognized and recorded; as well as offer a place for the stars of Russian rock to meet and exchange views.

BG still has some work ahead of him on this idea as some of the other rock stars who attended the meeting last month in Moscow seemed more concerned with furthering their own interests (such as, getting paid) than with helping others.

Zoom Zoom Zomm On April 12, 2005, Aquarium released their new album, “Zoom, Zoom, Zoom”. This album features the new streamlined Aquarium adventurer line up of Boris Grebenshikov - guitar & vocal, Boris Rubekin - keyboards, Oleg Shar - percussion, and Igor Timofeev - guitar and other instruments. (Timofeev is showing his musical talents with his ability to play a variety of instruments.) Also, on the album are African musicians.

Boris Grebenshikov wrote all the songs for “Zoom, Zoom, Zoom” during the summer of 2004, while he vacationed on the Mediterranean Sea. Grebenshikov has said about the new songs: “The history of this album is the most extraordinary of all the albums that have been recorded in my many years in music. For almost a year, we worked exclusively on the other album, “Reproductor”. Then suddenly, during my summer holiday on the coast of the Mediterranean Sea, I have written 16 new songs in one month! As a professional, I speak frankly: this does not happen! 16 songs in one month are a miracle that happens only in special times and places!”

BG brought the new songs to the members of Aquarium and in autumn of 2004 they recorded them in Livingston Studio in London. When the recorded songs were brought home to St. Petersburg Aquarium realized something was not right with the songs. That which had sounded so well in London was not “caustic” enough in Russia. Therefore, according to BG, large chunks of the album were re- recorded in the group’s studio in St. Petersburg.

This album truly reflects the origins of its creation. It is an album foretelling the coming of summer that encourages the listener to throw off their coats, go outside, and live!

The Important Information:

For people who do not live in Russia nor speak Russian.
Zoom, Zoom, Zoom” can now be purchased on line. Here are two links for two sources:
www.russiandvd.com - this link takes you to the English language section of Aquarium at Russian DVD :)
www.ozon.ru - this site is in Russian. But has 10 pages of Aquarium albums.
You can also order by phone from both sites. There are many on line free translation services to help you navigate this site as well as other Russian Aquarium websites.
One such translator is: www.online-translator.com

(If you know of other sites where Aquarium music may be purchased in English, French, or German please advise mg-music@yandex.ru)

New songs:

"ZOOM ZOOM ZOOM" - single from the new album, recordet in February 2005 in Pushkinskaja, 10.

"Rastaman's words" comes in to the new album, recorded in June 2004 in Pushkinskaja, 10.

"Mama, I cant drink more" - recorded in August 2004 in Pushkinskaja, 10.

"You belong to me" - lyric and music by Pee Wee King, Redd Stewart & Chilton Price (1952), recorded in November 2003 in Pushkinskaja, 10.